I Will to Initiate a new consciousness within myself

that I might Unify myself with everyone and everything

thereby helping all of life to Evolve

to the next level of Harmony, beauty and grace

through the Act of my clear, loving thoughts

which CAUSE me to take action in ways

that Express the Divinity of All That Is…….


The Will to Cause brings the Qualities that assist you in realizing greater Love: compassion, understanding, tolerance, inclusiveness, generosity, forgiveness, patience, faithfulness, kindness, gratitude, trust, truthfulness, respect, and reverence. You develop these Qualities through focusing on them … for what you focus on, Increases. This is why Theos also calls this the Will to Aspire, causing you to desire and endeavor to the Qualities of Love which make this world/reality a better place.

When we talk about focusing on specific Qualities, we mean that you are holding the Quality in the front of your mind … looking for opportunities in which to apply those Qualities … sending them where they are needed. Imagine a world where these Qualities of Love are abundantly held, focused upon, and practiced. What would that world be like?

This Will helps you to desire Soul Qualities and turn upward toward the Light with a more one-pointed focus on your spiritual unfoldment. This greatly accelerates your spiritual growth and, you can call upon this Will to align with your Soul’s goals for your life, and to know what to create that reflects your Soul’s vision and the Divine Blueprint of your life. The desire for Soul-alignment is one of the greatest gifts this Divine Will bestows upon you ~ once aligned with your Soul, nothing is beyond your reach.

As your consciousness expands with the Will to Cause, you realize there is more to life than fulfilling material desires. As you evolve under this Will, your desires are no longer directed toward fulfilling material goals, but instead turn to desiring spiritual goals and qualities. Even though at first it may seem as if focusing on spiritual values and the spiritual world should come after you are successful and prosperous in the material world, it is through developing spiritual values and focusing on living a Soul life, which draws all good things to you.

With a spiritual focus, money, prosperity, property, and other riches of the material world appear in your life, when and as you have a use for them … however, you are no longer attached to having them … and you will not be bound or trapped by them. It is the freedom from attachment to having material things which allows them to bring you Joy … to be a source of Light and good for you … and for the world. As you continue to bring in the Qualities of the Will to Aspire, undimmed optimism and unshakeable faith become your constant companions, helping you navigate your life with skill and ease.

The Great Being who is the custodian of the 6th Ray and the Will to Cause is the Master Jesus Christ. Theos also calls this the Will of Christ Consciousness, a Quality to which we can all aspire. God is Love. The Master Christ taught us the ideals of Love and He demonstrated complete devotion to His Path and His Dharma. You can work with the Will to Cause to deepen your devotion to living by spiritual principles … as you do, you will experience more peace and harmony in your life.

Under the impulse of the Will to Aspire, you begin to seek the rewards of spiritual growth and spiritual experiences, because you know how much value they bring into your life.  You seek out ~ and receive ~ expansions of your consciousness: new perspectives and insights … vision of the unseen worlds … contact with the Beings of Light and the Enlightened Ones … the ability to lift others … to transmit light and energy … and to make a difference in the world.

(Remember: this is the introductory information for the Will to Cause and is not comprehensive or complete.)

Carried on Ray 6 ~ associated with the colors magenta and bronze.