I Will to Initiate a new consciousness within myself

that I might Unify myself with everyone and everything

thereby helping all of life to Evolve

to the next level of Harmony, beauty and grace

through the ACT of my clear loving thoughts

which Cause me to take action in ways

that Express the Divinity of All That Is…….






It’s important to know and understand that the act in the name of the Will to Act is the act of clear thinking. This clear thinking leads to your ability to separate truth from error … fact from fiction, to be detached, to be accurate and precise in your thinking and communicating, as well as having common sense and rejecting nonsense. This Will has the important function of empowering you to separate your thoughts from the emotions they generate … which stops your thoughts from looping, stuck on repeat by emotions that act like glue.

The Qualities of analysis and discrimination help you understand your life experiences, while the Qualities of a keen and focused intellect shine through your mind, illumining whatever issue you are facing so that you can Know what to do … which is why Theos also calls this the Will to Know.

The Will to Act is radiated by a Great Being who shines the light of illumination onto the Mental Plane. Theos often refers to this light as God’s Pure Light. We can “stand” in this Light to see truth and recognize the Real … we are helped to see and release our distorted thoughts and beliefs which keep us from receiving our infinite good and all the Love and support Soul wants to give us.

You can call upon this Will, also known as the “Door into the Mind of God” to create clear, concise thoughts filled with light and infused with good intentions which reflect Divine Purpose, Divine Love, and Divine Ideas. These thoughts assist you in unfolding the Divine blueprint of your life and lead you higher on your Path. The Will to Know also carries the light of Intelligent Love ~ an important Quality of Love that heals and renews all life. All things in this reality are possible through the Act of your clear, loving thoughts.

The Great One who transmits the Will to Act facilitates the linking of the Universal Mind, with Soul’s mind, and your concrete, everyday mind … which is why this Great Life is also called the 3-Fold Thinker. This is the Illumined Mind ~ fulfilling its purpose as a channel for the pure inflow of higher mind energy and helping you to become a clear channel for all Divine Will energies.

As you link with this Great One and connect all 3 Minds, you awaken your ability to see the Light of God/Goddess/All-That-Is within all life and forms. You know your oneness with all beings and forms ~ you have moved beyond the duality and separateness of the outer world into the love, light, and unity of the inner world.

As the reality of the unseen realms of light become more Real to you, your ability to work with subtle energies to create results in the physical world increases. You recognize the inner cause behind outer events and no longer blame yourself or anyone else. Instead, you look within to see what you can change about your thoughts and beliefs. Changing one’s thoughts is the only way anyone can change the world … remembering that everything here begins and ends with our thoughts.

(Remember: this is the introductory information for the Will to Act and is not comprehensive or complete.)

Carried on Ray 5 ~ associated with the colors silver-blue or rainbow white