Sound Creates
Sound created everything you see around you in this reality. Simply everything. Because everything here has a vibration and every vibration produces sound.
“In the beginning was the Word … and the Word was with God … and the Word was God.”
And in that Word was everything that has ever been in this reality … and everything that will ever be here.
In order to truly understand these ideas about “the Word” you must first understand the history of the Word as it was first connected to the Christian tradition, (where this quote comes from). The first Gospels were written in ancient Aramaic, then translated into ancient Greek. The ancient Greek word “logos,” as translated by the early Christian fathers was used to describe God and/or Jesus, however, traditionally, logos meant thought, word, principle, or speech … which brings Real ~ literal ~ meaning to those words and ideas about “the Word.” As the Tibetan would say: “Ponder on this.”
As Theos consistently reminds us: Energy follows thought … and the thought is followed by emotions which either react or respond to the thought … which are most often followed by words expressing either the reaction or the response. Words are sounds and sounds create.
Then there’s this reminder: Everything is energy and it is primal energy that responds to your intention, your thoughts … the feelings evoked by those thoughts … and ~ highly important ~ the words you speak.
Another important principle to remember with respect to your thoughts, is the Truth that thoughts are magnetic, automatically drawing to you more of the energy, thoughts, and things of like vibration (sound) … high or low … which depends on you and the kind of thoughts you are having.
This primal energy made of thoughts, this Light substance ~ which has a vibration and therefore a sound ~ is beautiful, harmonious, pure and intelligent if the initiating energy is high and Loving. But, if this primal energy is of a lower, lesser energy, its vibration and sound reflect this disharmony. It is vital to remember this primal energy is always obedient to your thoughts and words.

This primal energy manifests ~ or precipitates ~ the circumstances and forms in your life. We differentiate between the terms “manifestation” and “precipitation.” When we say precipitation, we are talking about unconscious creations born out of your habitual thoughts and words, whatever those may be. If you want to Know the caliber of those past thoughts and words, look around you.
The circumstances you are now experiencing, and the forms you have, come from the quality of energy you sent out in the past. Those past thoughts ~ and the words you used to express them ~ have shaped this primal energy and created your present situation.
If you aren’t happy with the quality of your life or with the forms you currently have, you have clearly been precipitating, rather than manifesting. Think of it as similar to the workings of a cloud. The cloud accumulates water. As more and more water is drawn to the water in the cloud, the denser the water becomes within the cloud … continuing until the cloud can no longer hold more water. Precipitation ensues.
The main requirement for precipitation is Repetition.
If you are struggling in any area of your life, you are precipitating the circumstances through thinking the same thoughts over and over and over … and verbalizing them. Most often there are emotions attached, frequently strong ones. This will continue until you change your thoughts … which changes your emotions … and ultimately, it changes the way you speak about your life. It is inevitable.
There’s no way to emphasize this enough.
Words carry power that are not only felt through the act of saying but through the act of receiving. The mind is like a voice recorder … when you listen enough times to something, your mind will remember and store it. And your mind distinctly remembers the tone and tenor of those words, as well as your emotional reaction to them. Words can literally change the neurons in the brain.
Here is an excerpt from the book Words Can Change your Brain by Andrew Newberg, M.D. and Mark Robert Waldman.
“Positive words, such as “peace” and “love,” can alter the expression of genes, strengthening areas in our frontal lobes and promoting the brain’s cognitive functioning. They propel the motivational centers of the brain into action and build resiliency.
“Conversely, hostile language can disrupt specific genes that play a key part in the production of neurochemicals that protect us from stress. Humans are hardwired to worry as our primal brains protect us from threats to our survival, so our thoughts naturally go here first. A single negative word can increase the activity in our amygdala (the fear center of the brain). This releases dozens of stress-producing hormones and neurotransmitters, which in turn interrupts our brains’ functioning.
“By holding a positive and optimistic “word” in your mind, you stimulate frontal lobe activity. This area includes specific language centers that connect directly to the motor cortex responsible for moving you into action. And as our research has shown, the longer you concentrate on positive words, the more you begin to affect other areas of the brain. Functions in the parietal lobe start to change, which changes your perception of yourself and the people you interact with.

“When a word is repeated enough times, it can become a subliminal message into the mind and the body automatically responds, engaging the entire system. Whether that reaction is good stress or bad stress depends on our mental well-being but too much stress of any kind lowers the immune system. Notice how these fear words play out in the media, advertising and politics.” (Also, Music, Television, Entertainment, Social Changes.)
What does this tell us about the Power of our spoken words? Take for instance that old children’s taunt about sticks and stones that ends with “but words can never harm me!” So utterly untrue. People who have never been wounded by words are rare … like, hen’s teeth rare. So, our words can wound … but what else can they do?
We live in a Universe of polarities. Words can also start the healing process. They can comfort, soothe, delight, entertain, amuse, arouse, inspire, persuade, and so much more. Make the words you speak reflect your highest and best self. Your life will soon reflect the change.