
You've Lived More Than Once



There are more people on earth who believe in reincarnation than there are those who don’t. Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, Sikhism, and Theosophy all have Reincarnation as a basic tenet of the faith. Some sects of Christianity also believe in multiple lifetimes.

It is not our purpose ~ or intent ~ to persuade you to believe in Reincarnation.

  • Believing or not believing does not change the fact of Soul’s existence behind the human experience.
  • Believing or not believing does not change the fact of Karma’s existence in the human experience.
  • Believing or not believing does not change the fact of Reincarnation’s existence in the human experience.

When science finally “discovers” the existence of the Soul, the recognition of Reincarnation will swiftly follow.

Reincarnation is a means of balancing Karma and is based on the Truth that everyone learns through repetition. As many parents know, children often need more than a few tries to succeed in mastering a set of skills. It is no different for human beings of any age ~ as children of the Creator of this Earth ~ to need multiple opportunities to master the skill set necessary to succeed in fulfilling Soul’s part in the Divine Plan.

Multiple opportunities make far better sense than a one-time, do or die chance to “get it right” or suffer the consequences of failing for all eternity. Where is the logic in such an unyielding attitude? Where is the Grace? How does anyone grow wiser, higher, finer, more Loving without so much as a second chance?

Reincarnation gives a Soul multiple opportunities for a variety of life experiences, multiple chances to “get it right,” multiple possibilities to balance Karma or to move the evolutionary scale forward.

Believing or not believing cannot change the Universal Truth of Reincarnation in the human experience and its possibility for redemption or exaltation.