Disseminating Phase
Will to Express Divinity
Deep Blue-Violet or Electric Blue-Violet
“I SHARE” (and Express my desire to Serve by Serving Others)
The Cycle is now in its waning energies and we begin to make adjustments to all our previous growth with a focus on sharing our insights, thoughts and feelings with others.
We manifest here an atmosphere of change: change in thought, (and therefore emotional change), change in perceptions and usually, changes in how we see our place in the world and our role in the Divine Plan. We serve ourselves and All Others by broadcasting our new thoughts and ideas faithfully throughout the Phase outwardly to All Others.
This is the Phase in which our intents are made manifest and grounded here on Earth, bridging the highest energies we received during Full with the lowest energies in our various bodies ~ personality, mental, etheric, emotional and physical (another Will to Express Divinity function). We also focus on sharing all these energies with all the other Kingdoms: Soul, Human, Animal, Plant and Mineral, and we focus on how our sharing will lead to full integration for All Concerned.
What can your Totem Friends bring to this Phase that will make it easier to share, easier to broadcast new thoughts, easier to manifest our intentions, easier to connect the highest and lowest energies present on Earth at this time? Considering your focus for the Cycle ~ and all you have discovered about the combined energies of this Phase ~ which Animal, Plant and Mineral Friends do you feel can best help you manifest these changes?