1st Quarter Phase:

Will to Evolve
Golden Orange or Black

“I EVOLVE” (my attitudes and perceptions ~ my Orientation is revealed)

In this Phase, we seek to understand what the attitudes, beliefs and patterns we hold are ~ how we are oriented to our experiences, how the attitudes we’ve developed from that Orientation have determined our expectations. We begin to see how we are in the world and how this Orientation created (and continues to create) our old reality, the reality we wish to change.

As we invoke and evoke the energies of Evolution, our original insight(s) and revelation(s) we received at New are more fully developed and expanded as we question our old attitudes, beliefs and Orientation towards the issue we are working on in this Cycle. The energies of the Will to Evolve foster recognition of all of the connections related to our issues and intents. As the Will of Active Intelligence, the seeds of true change start here and manifest in the fullness of time, as we are open and ready for those changes to occur.

Considering what you’ve been learning about your Orientation and your attitudes toward the issue for this Phase, which Animal, Plant and Mineral among your Totem Friends do you feel can best help you manifest those changes?