The Asceni Method

(Essential Moon Cycles, continued)


The flame is dying … the light recedes … then all goes dark…….

The flame has been extinguished … Restitution is complete…….


…….then the barest shade of a shadow … of a whisper … of the hint of an idea, sounds…….

The Sun and Moon are sextile at the moment of Balsamic.

The Sun and Moon are in a working, cooperative effort leading to productive growth. The sextile acts as a force for good … it facilitates things flowing harmoniously … but it also asks for a little participation from the will. The energies lend themselves to conscious control but need a little “push” to release the energy. This is important, as the process of evolution demands a conscious direction to the release of energy. It is not in alignment to simply release energy like dropping a bag of garbage whenever you tire of carrying it. The release of anything asks us to make a conscious decision about what direction that release will take … in what manner will we let go … will we use our conscious will to take the energies higher … or?

The experience of Balsamic energies must vary widely … most often dependent upon the manner in which you approach the Phase and the predominant energies you choose to focus upon. Are you releasing into the Flames of Purification? Are the energies absorbed into the light of the flaming Sword of Truth? Have the Rings of Knowing transformed the energies? Or has the electrical frisson of Fohat evaporated the energies?

The theory here is: each mode of release brings its own corresponding physical, mental and emotional experience. Please pay close attention to how you experience each of these methods of release, as this is an area in which Theos is seeking information vis a vis our experiences. Make note of which form of release you’ve chosen and how you are experiencing it, physically and mentally and emotionally.

Because it has not been established what exactly the physical and mental experiences are in this Phase, again, we ask that each of you take notes about which energy, then: What physical experiences have you noticed? How do you feel mentally? Emotionally? Are there any specific feeling senses to the Phase? What’s your level of mental clarity? What’s your level of emotional balance? Are you sensing any shifts of energy? What’s your general mood? Are you noticing any physical abnormalities? Are you having sleep issues? Note any other experience that might possibly be connected to either the Phase, the Planet, the Sign on the cusp of the Phase, or the type of release you chose. ~Thank you~

Beyond the releasing, this Phase has an implicit energy of receptivity. Like well-tilled soil, it is waiting upon the creative seed. A sort of receptive restfulness.

And so the paradigm of Alpha and Omega is complete.

The challenge is Awareness​.

(In order for us to help Theos understand the impact of Balsamic.) 

Relaxed Releasing.

(The goal for Balsamic for the time being.)