The Asceni Method

(Essential Moon Cycles, continued)


The heart of the flame is exposed, revealing the myriad flames contained within the One Divine Flame.

The Sun and Moon are trined at the moment of Gibbous.

The Sun and Moon are in a cooperative, harmonious relationship here. This trine blends the energies of the Luminaries in such a way that both shine the brighter for the connection. The energies linked do not resist … they adjust to one another easily … freely flowing and accommodating … and so these energies poise you for surrender to, and acceptance of, whatever is presented in the moment.

It is the time in the Cycle to process the results of the actions taken during First Quarter. During this phase, you are gathering information. Stop making judgments. Refuse to worry. Be humble. Realize your knowledge is incomplete. Laugh. Look within.

What is working for you and what is not? Pivotal moments are here in the energy flow of the entire Cycle. Discard what isn’t aligning with your Soul’s goals and motives … refine your process of acceptance and surrender. Keep close to your Soul, invoke and evoke the Will to Synthesize your experiences as you move through the Cycle.

This is the Phase where surrender to the Universe is key. You have the power to create anything you imagine in your life ~ let Soul guide your goals. When you are holding onto desires that aren’t in your best interests, let go. Trust that Soul has something even better in mind for you. Ask to see the bigger picture … to see your life and your experiences in whole, so that you can arrive at a wise perspective.

Now is the time to simply go with the flow of the energies and surrender your intention to the will of your Soul. Consider how your intention might create in the highest good of All … or how it might not. Consider the possibility of your intention coming to fruition in a way that is different than how you envisioned it. How do you feel when thinking about this idea? How does it feel thinking to simply allow things to work out in whatever way is best for All?

You may experience the energies of Gibbous as physically relaxing and emotionally receptive to whatever arises in the mind. Calling on the Will to Unify deepens your relaxation and gently conditions your surrender.


The challenge is Flow.

(To let go and let Soul.)
