The Will to Adapt/The Will to Evolve/The Will to Transform

Master Lady Nada

Master Saturn


This is the Will that moves all energy toward the higher levels of Mind where the intent, and means, to fulfill the Divine Plan can be known and understood. Well-suited adaptation is the ideal outcome of evolution. As change is the only constant in the Universe, adaptation is an eternal necessity. When that adaptation produces quantifiable alignment with the Divine Plan, we call that successful adaptation and consider the intent of evolution to be fulfilled.

Our purpose in studying the Wills and Rays is, in part, motivated by the urge to evolve ~ demonstrated in every Kingdom and Realm of the natural worlds, in accordance with the demands of Universal Laws. It is not enough to simply be changed, the change must make what is changed better in some way … meaning that it is more perfectly suited to manifesting the purposes of the Divine Plan and/or some member part within that Plan.

This shows purpose and intent in the activity and does not demonstrate activity solely for the sake of movement. Hence the purpose of Divine Will is demonstrated and therefore made manifest on earth in some tangible way. Tangible change towards the supported form within the Divine Blueprint is one objective of purposeful evolution and therefore of adaptation.

This Will to Adapt/Will to Evolve/Will to Transform brings to the individual and the group the means whereby complex ideas, patterns, and trends can be Known and understood. It supports the development of the mental faculties in such a way as to make better, more perfect ideas available to Humanity as a whole, through the developing ability of Humanity to think rationally and analytically … and eventually to recognize Divinity in all Its forms. The more mature consciousness types are becoming more and more capable of bringing down to this plane those ideas and ideals which will bring the whole planet forward along the Way while evolution proceeds apace. These folks are also mastering the ability to render these thoughts, ideas, and ideals into words so they can be shared among the multitudes.

During our study together, we are aimed towards purposeful evolution of our motives and intents toward unification with that One Divine Unified Force for the Good of All, and participation in the subsequent changes in world order which that unification will necessarily engender. We are to continue to monitor those changes which bring out the most efficient shifts in consciousness towards the desired objective: a physical demonstration of the power to create forms that adapt to Divine Purpose and whose creative work it is to manifest the Divine Plan on this, the seventh plane.


Colors:  Black, Golden-Orange, (Green, Yellow)

Key WordsAdaptation, change, evolution, the Void, unfold, improve, expand, accelerate, manifest, ability to speculate, wide views, analyze, theorize, reason, intellect, ability to modify and qualify, vocal, facility with languages, ability to understand complex patterns, ability to recognize trends, economical, mentally active, planning, strategizing, releasing, manipulating, creative, philanthropic, executive abilities, business acumen, communication, generous, ability to recognize and work within the Divine Plan, action, expression, growth, breaking away, Divine Blueprint, efficient, comprehension, transforming, understanding, opportunity, inventive, innovative, original, prolific, visionary

Associated Ray: Ray 3



Antahkarana Statement: “Purpose Itself AM I….”