The Will to Initiate/The Will to Be/The Will to End
Master Lady Ceres
Master El-Morya
Master Lady Pele
Master Pluto
This is the Will that brings all things into creative activity here on Earth. The quality of power carried on this Will carries four distinct energetic expressions: 1) the power to begin and the power to end; 2) the power to know Truth; 3) the power to illumine Truth; and 4) the power to purify and release. Each of these four powers is associated with Esoteric symbols and terms, found in most ancient belief systems of the world and well-covered by those versed in the Ageless Wisdom.
For our purposes, we have chosen to utilize the following symbols for each power:
1) the power to begin and the power to end/destroy is depicted as heavenly lightning, sometimes referred to in ancient and occult texts as Fohat, (see Glossary for foundational information on Fohat);
2) the power to know Truth is depicted as what we like to call the “Rings of Knowing” ~ rings of light in varying sizes and colors ~ that appear to drop from the higher levels of the Universal Mind down to such levels as human consciousness is able to contact;
3) the power to illumine Truth has an ancient symbol which we also adopt: the Flaming Sword of Truth, said to glow in the presence of Truth, both personal and Universal; and
4) the power to purify and release, which has its correspondents in every major religion and belief system on this planet: eternal Flames. For our study practices, these flames can be represented as either the color violet-red or violet-blue, depending upon the circumstances under which It is invoked and the type of assistance which is needed. Under this Will, they are often called the Flames of Purification, while as a Quality of the Will to Build Divine Forms/the Will to Express Divinity, they are called the Violet Flame.
The Will to Be/Will to Initiate/Will to End energy is that activating, initiating principle which is at the root of all creation and therefore, the existence of all forms … it is also the de-activating, destructive principle which clears away the old forms, in preparation for the new. This is the energy often referred to in world texts as the “Alpha and Omega,” for it is both the beginning and the ending of All things considered mundane and Divine.
For our study purposes, a “thing” is any form in existence, including the human physical body, the consciousness that exists in all forms … simply ALL in existence at this point in the Great Cycle of Life.
Colors: Candy Apple Red, Golden-Yellow, (Orange, Blue) (Orange, Blue)
Key Words: To exist, to take form, to Become, initiating, starting, beginning, birth, emergence, projection, clarity, instigating, invoking, creative, introducing, dynamic, purposeful, insights, revelations, new ideas, new ways of being, keen understanding, large-mindedness, synthesizing, one-pointed focus, informational, governing, leading, lawful, preserving values, directing, centralizing, transformational, opportunity, independent, strength, courage, fearlessness, Truthfulness, liberation, detachment, cleansing, beneficently destructive, deactivating, eliminating, deconstruction, finishing, lightening fast, anticipatory, rested, ending, purifying, commitment, forward looking
The Associated Ray: Ray 1