The 7 Rays

An Overview




The Qualities of the 7 Rays ~ It’s In The Stars:

Esoterically, the Seven Rays ~ and the Seven Qualities of Divine Will that reside upon them ~ are in current manifestation as the constellation known variously as Ursa Major ~ the Great Bear, Big Dipper, the Plough, The Saptarishi, (the Seven Rishis), and other names.

We offer here, for the purpose of exploration and consideration, the following assignation of the Rays to the stars in the constellation:

Ray 1 = Dubhe
Ray 2 = Merak
Ray 3 = Phecda
Ray 4 = Mizar (binary with Alcor, its counterpart, but they move together)
Ray 5 = Alioth
Ray 6 = Megrez
Ray 7 = Alkaid (Benetnasch)

The Pleiades, Alcyone and Merope:

The Ageless Wisdom and other sources have long held the significance of the constellation known as the Pleiades, or Seven Sisters, and their connection to the Seven Rishi or the Great Bear, (Big Dipper). For our study purposes, we acknowledge this relationship and will broaden this information in its cycle.

As a supreme transmitter of Ray 2 energy, Merope has yet to begin her influence in the affairs of humans in earnest, but this will come shortly after the alignment when “the marriage in the heavens” will commence negotiations. It is our intent to initiate certain rituals and practices to “soften” the impact of the coming energies and the resulting temporary chaos these events will bring to cosmic rhythms. It is the reorganization before the “storm” of a new world order.

Basic Information on the 7 Rays:

There are 3 Rays of Aspect and 4 Rays of Attribute. The 4 Rays of Attribute, which find their synthesis in the 3rd Ray of Aspect, produce certain Qualities in greater detail and emphasis than do the Rays of Aspect. It might generally be stated that the three Rays of Aspect find their primary expression in relation to mankind through the medium of the three periodical vehicles, (the Personality, the Soul, and the Monad), hence:

Ray 1: Power Life Ideas The Monad
Ray 2: Love-Wisdom Consciousness Ideals The Soul
Ray 3: Active Intelligence Appearance Idols The Personality


They find their secondary expression in the three bodies which form the Personality of man:

Ray 1: Power Ideas Mental Body Purpose.  Life
Ray 2: Love Ideals Astral Body Quality
Ray 3: Intelligence Idols Physical Body Form

Remember: Life in this reality is composed of the focused thought that one exists here, held by Soul. The Purpose of the Life is to learn about the Power of Ideas … and their ability to change anything. In fact, ideas are the only way to change anything.

To enact the idea that purely expressing Love is the Purpose of the Astral Body … and through the expression of this Quality, all of Life is transformed. We would also remind you that “Quality” in this sense will include your attitudes once they have reached the physical plane ~ those crystallized emotional reactions that you have chosen to retain, despite their “inconvenience,” and uselessness.

By the time these Ideas and Ideals ~ for each Will ~ have reached the physical plane, they have become Idols, even in the minds of the more intelligent of the race. Crystallized and motionless, these Idols sit in the subconscious mind and continually direct one’s thoughts towards themselves, seen as eternal and unending, when in fact they are just Ideas that became crystallized over time and now may have lost all meaning or relevance to a spiritual life, if they ever had any.

The Rays of Attribute, though expressing themselves equally on all the planes, and through the periodical vehicles, and the three aspects of the Personality, generally find their main expression through one or other of the four Kingdoms in nature as indicated in the table which follows:

Ray 4: Harmony through Conflict 4th Kingdom Human. The Balance
Ray 5: Concrete Knowledge 3rd Kingdom Animal
Ray 6: Devotion 2nd Kingdom Plant
Ray 7: Ceremonial Ritual 1st Kingdom Mineral


These are their main fields of influence in the three worlds. In relation to mankind, these four Rays of Attribute find a wide expression in connection with the four aspects of the Personality. That relationship is as follows:

Ray 4: Harmony through Conflict physical body
Ray 5: Concrete Knowledge Etheric body
Ray 6: Devotion astral body
Ray 7: Organization mental body



Number: Kingdom: Ray: Expression:
1 Mineral 7 – Ceremonial Organization Radio-Activity
    1- Will or Power The Basic Reservoir of Power
2 Plant 2 – Love-Wisdom Magnetism
    4 – Beauty or Harmony Uniformity of Color
    6 – Idealistic Devotion Upward Tendency
3 Animal 3 – Adaptability Instinct
    6 – Devotion Domesticity
4 Human 4 – Harmony through Conflict Experience. Grow
    5 – Concrete Knowledge Intellect
5 Egoic or Soul 5 – Concrete Knowledge Personality
    2 – Love-Wisdom Intuition
6 Planetary Lives 6 – Devotion to Ideas The Plan
    3 – Active Intelligence Creative Work
7 Solar Lives 1 – Will or Power Universal Mind
    7 – Ceremonial Magic Synthetic Ritual


Meditation and the Kingdoms:

“One-pointed meditation upon the five forms, which every element takes, produces mastery over every element. These five forms are the gross nature, the elemental form, the quality, the pervasiveness and the basic purpose.” ~ Esoteric Psychology, Volume 1, Alice A. Bailey

You have, therefore, an analogy for consideration:

1. The gross nature…….the mineral Kingdom.

2. The elemental form…….the plant Kingdom.

3. The quality……..the animal Kingdom.

4. The pervasiveness……..the human Kingdom.

5. The basic purpose…….the Kingdom of Souls.

All of this is from the standpoint of consciousness.

Another Perspective:

Mineral the body the dense prison of life
Plant the Akasha the fluid consciousness of life
Animal Ascension out of Matter the evolutionary goal of the relation between the body and the Akasha
Human Power to travel in Space the goal of the human consciousness through the realization of the above 3

The word Akashic means “of, or pertaining to the Akasha.” The term Akasha is a Sanskrit word which has meaning in all the religions which use Sanskrit as a holy language, including Hinduism, Buddhism and Tibetan Bon. Within these religions there is not agreement about the nature of the Akasha. Generally, all manifest reality emerges from the Akasha.

The Akasha is both source and motion for All That Is and all that emerges on the wings of consciousness of the Akasha.

The Akasha is the first that has awareness.

The Akasha is the first that is conscious of movement.

Akasha Consciousness is the Origin of all things and the Mother of all things.

When one steps into the awareness or the consciousness of Akasha, one is stepping into the genesis of awareness, the origin of how awareness becomes part of Soul experience, Soul knowledge, and Soul understanding.

“Akasha is one of the cosmic principles and is a plastic matter, creative in its physical nature, immutable in its higher principles. It is the quintessence of all possible forms of energy, material, psychic or spiritual; and contains within itself the germs of universal creation, which sprout forth under the impulse of the Divine Spirit.” ~The Secret Doctrine, Helena P. Blavatsky