React vs. Respond
~ Sometimes Called ~

Theos defines react as a strong emotion or emotions ~ often negative in tone ~ which arise when confronted by a person, or their words, or a situation, event, circumstance, etc. … frequently unexpected … happily or not.
When you react, you often do not think before you speak … or, you immediately begin defending yourself without stopping to think about why you feel the need to defend. It is denying whatever idea is presented to you without considering the truth of the idea. It is a knee-jerk and/or relatively thoughtless comeback that only serves to escalate differences and solves nothing.You can also react to things you only think about, but do not share outwardly.
Generally, in Theos’ terms, to react is a negatively focused attempt to push energy, (or energies), away from you, with or without other people being involved. If others are involved, you are pushing the energy toward them in an aggressive or contentious manner.

On the other hand, to respond is a calm, well-reasoned energetic reply to anything, be it a person, their words, a situation, event, etc. A response follows attentively listening to the other person. A response is loving, thoughtful, and kind … to others and to yourself.
Theos always encourages us to respond rather than react to whatever is presented to us, at all times. They have given us several tools to help us with this goal. Responding to people and circumstances helps us stay in the moment, in our center, and able to promote the Heart Qualities in all events.
A reaction closes you off, shuts down heart energy, and does not engage the mind. A response generates an atmosphere of receptivity, demonstrating an open heart and an open mind.
Learning to respond, not react, brings you closer to Full Soul Expression.