To Make Matters Worse…

Expectation Seals The Deal

Too often Lightworkers tend to skip past this concept when practicing manifesting. The reason for this probably lies with the fact that changing your expectations is one of the most difficult practices to master, especially without help. How does one learn to expect something they have serious doubts about occurring? Or something they have never created before? This is a discussion we will undertake more fully under our section on Essential Manifesting.

Here, as an Essential Concept, we’re focused on this Truth: that which we expect is more than likely to occur. Almost fated to occur, as it were. Because we pretty much get what we expect.

Your expectations are powerful. And they shape your reality far more than you realize. So many of those things you do not want, come to you through your expectations. Through expecting what you have received ~ or what has occurred ~ in the past.

It is nearly impossible to “learn” to change your expectations. Instead, it is necessary to change the overall orientation of your personality. And to ask for help. As you might imagine, this could take a good deal of time to accomplish. So, ask for help.

But we didn’t say it has to take a long time.

Anything is possible through Love.

Ask for help.