Soul-Contact ~ The Start of All The Work/Play We Do Here
First, last, always ~ being in connection with your own Soul is the first step to Real transformation in every area of your life.
Soul contact, leading to Soul-alignment, blossoming into Full Soul Expression, is the goal we hold in our awareness ~ for ourselves, for Humanity, for All Kingdoms in nature.
Soul contact, then Soul-alignment, is essential to our work ~ it is the foundation upon which all else is built. Your Soul has a plan for you and for your life. Through initiating Soul contact, we begin to develop the desire and aspiration for Soul-alignment.
Making Soul contact tells your Soul you are ready ~ ready for expansions of consciousness, ready to express more love in your life, ready to make a difference in this world/reality. With these expansions of Love, ease of growth, and the resulting expansions of awareness that Soul-alignment brings, our lives become fulfilling, loving and joyous. Choosing to Soul-align on a daily basis will accelerate your growth in every way possible.
Through fully expressing ourselves as Soul, we fulfill our Divine Purpose and actively help the unfoldment of the Divine Plan for our planet. The Souls of All Know the Divine Plan and the part each of us came here to play in Its unfoldment. As fully expressed Souls, invoking/evoking Divine Will in Cycles, fully connected to All Kingdoms, we have the Love, power and wisdom to create the highest good for ALL in everything we think, say and do. Full Soul Expression through a human being is Christ Consciousness made manifest on Earth.
Soul contact begins the process of change.
There are many different ways to establish Soul Contact consciously, with purpose and intent. If you have not had this experience, there are many methods available for you to try, such as Abraham books, Orin meditations, prayer, meditation while holding your intent in your mind, and other methods. For a meditation by Theos to initiate Soul contact, please click on the audio file below: