Time Is An Artificial Construct ~ Man-made and Recent
In the not-so-distant past, Humanity did not think in terms of hours, minutes, seconds, nanoseconds, etc. They kept track of Cycles and trends ~ events that had meaning in their lives. Eventually, with sundials and the rise of money, followed by the invention of clocks, the idea of time became firmly rooted in the minds of Humanity. Through his theory of general relativity, Einstein indirectly proved time does not exist. And even though Einstein proved time does not exist, the idea of time persists.
Theos rarely speaks in terms of time because their work is based upon the Ray 7/Will to Express Divinity energies governing rhythm, sequence and cycles … which is also how the Higher Realms measure the movement of energy through energy. On the rare occasion Theos does refer to time, it is for our benefit and ease of understanding.
Sundials ~ Where Time Began
Now that we’ve discussed the illusion of time, it seems appropriate to discuss what Theos has said to us about traveling through time. When they first brought the subject up, we were all excited, thinking Theos was going to reveal some secret that would allow us to time travel.
The secret Theos revealed was this: we already time travel … constantly.
Mainly we travel to the past, going over and over things that happened in the past and having various emotional reactions to those events. We relive the events ~ sometimes as if it just happened ~ with our unresolved emotions just as powerful as they were when the experience first happened.
Instead of stopping to address the issue when it occurs, we recreate the same circumstances over and over, through our focus and the strong emotions it engenders. And so it goes until we do resolve it.
Or, off to the future we go, projecting our negative expectations into the future through worry … imagining a bad outcome or some outcome contrary to the desired one. The greater the worry and the more powerful the accompanying emotions, the more likely it is our negative expectations will create.
Knowing this, we can more fully recognize the importance and value of staying in the moment. Traveling back and forth, from the past back to the future, leaving a wake of potential destruction in our path is not the way to live a joyful life.
If negative memories are still coming up for you, determine to understand what you were meant to gain from the experience. Ask yourself what the experience means … what opportunity to grow have you missed? Do you need to do some forgiveness? Transmit the Will to Act … to Know.
When it comes to worry and negative future projections, recognize that you aren’t just using your imagination in a damaging way … you’re creating future experiences you don’t want. Stop … and be loving to yourself.
The antidote? Consistently focus on what you do want.
Stay in the moment.
Leave the time traveling to Marty McFly and Dr. Who.