For a Greater Understanding of Fohat:


“Is Fohat essentially an undefinable energy that is ’summoned’ by Divine Will to ‘bridge’ Divine Will’s intention to the point the manifestation is definable on our ‘earthly’ plane?

“With Fohat existing as infinite potential of anything and everything just waiting to be harnessed by intention?”


“Fohat is actually Divine Will, in its first – and “purest” – expression. It’s also not vague or undefinable – it’s will energy … we all know what will energy is … what it feels like … and usually what it is directed toward. I don’t mean to be obvious, but all the energies inherent in Divine Will are clear, direct and well-defined. And by well-defined, I am not talking boundaries, but Qualities.

“So Fohat is Will to Initiate and Will to Initiate is Fohat. What I’ve learned new this time around is that the Rings of Knowing, Sword of Truth, and the Flames of Purification are all actually different attributes of Fohat. So Fohat isn’t summoned by Divine Will, it is Divine Will. But we can summon Divine Will to ourselves … to others … to situations….

“Remember, Fohat has two main energetic aspects: one is the active electrical energy that stimulates the creation of forms. The other is the receptive creative potential, which is magnetic. It’s magnetism that puts the magic into manifestation. Science still doesn’t understand magnetism. So Fohat is both the intention and the potential.

“I think your thoughts on intention being the bridge to manifestation on the earth plane is accurate … to a point … which is to say, it gets something of the essence of how things manifest here, but it would be a mistake to characterize it as a fair summation of the process.”


“If I’m understanding correctly, you mention that Fohat is actually Divine Will … different aspects while being the whole as defined. While in the Fohat documents, given for class, Fohat is referred to as ‘various manifestations’, yet the ‘link between Mind and Matter’. Are the referred manifestations the outcome of use of all degrees of intent of Divine Will as a whole, not just the Will to Initiate?

“If I’m picturing this correctly, a person manifests through the expression of manifestation through initiating Divine Will. The expression (energy source) from any Will magnetizes Fohat/Divine Will to follow through to fruition of intended manifestation?

“All that needs to be done to engage Fohat/Divine Will, is the ask/request through intent using the Wills.”

Answer, (With a few notes added):

“ I think part of your confusion stemmed from trying to parse Blavatsky’s use of language. I think Theos’ intent behind leaving the description of Fohat in the original language was to get people to really dig into the material, in an effort to get past the vagaraties of Blavatsky’s descriptions. Which you have done. Yeah, Theos! lol

“Thinking about the quality of light when Blavatsky was bringing through the material, it isn’t surprising that she herself had trouble describing the information she was receiving. She was a channel, too … so the growth level and light of the channel also have a lot to do with how they bring through the material, how clear it is, how understandable, how accurate, etc. Just for comparison, think of the apostles and the varying levels of light and Love in their information. Revelations comes to mind as an extreme example. Full of symbology, but boy, John didn’t get a lot of it clear or even right.

“Alright, so yes, Fohat is Divine Will, with “various manifestations,” which are the other energies inherent in the Will to Initiate – Rings of Knowing, Sword of Truth, Flames of Purification. To clarify, in one sense, Will to Initiate IS Divine Will, the first manifestation of God’s Will, but it isn’t all the Wills. The Will to Unify is the magnetic force – the cohesive energy that causes forms to emerge from energy through the application of the electrical force of the Will to Initiate.

“Theos has told the TAM group that, in the beginning, there was the Mother (Mater, from which Matter comes, literally and figuratively) – Who was unrealized potential. The Mother woke up to Herself, and found Herself alone. Theos says our fear of loneliness is an original fear which we inherited from the Mother. Finding Herself alone, She decided to divide Herself, so that She would have a mate. And God was formed from Her potential for activity, Her electrical force. She kept Her magnetic force for Herself, always drawing God’s energy to Her, seeking wholeness. (Look for the meaning behind the symbology of this story. It can yield some real Truths about the relationship between masculine and feminine energies.)

“The “link between Mind and Matter” is another way to describe how the vibration of energy is transformed – through thought (Mind) – slowing it down to such an extent that Matter is formed. Partly done through belief, the repetitive thought made solid, as it were. Remembering that we, as a species, have experienced “solid” matter for thousands and thousands of years, reinforcing our belief in its solidity … and continuing to believe in it, even though science has “proved” that it is just energy moving slowly. Such is the power of mass thought to perpetuate our experience of the earth plane as solid and “real.” But then, Theos has repeatedly pointed out that this earth plane “is meant to fool us into believing in its reality.” It’s how we grow here. It’s why we grow here. 🙂

“The Will to Evolve, is – in a manner of speaking – the “child” of the Will to Initiate and the Will to Unify. The combination or “marriage” of the first two Wills can be described as “electro-magnetic” energy or the bonding of electrical energy, (the Will to Be), and magnetic energy, (the Will to Bond). Will to Initiate is Active, an outgoing force. The Will to Unify is unrealized Potential, but remembering that that Potential is Intelligent. (And receptive, as well as magnetic. When you think about it, magnetism IS receptive by nature. It draws things (or people) to it and receives them.)

“The Will to Evolve is the Will that is a manifestation of those two Wills and is the Will which manifests all forms because it is “Active … Intelligence.” So, the Will to Initiate, (The Will to Be or Become), married to the Will Unify, (Loving, Intelligent Potential), produces the Will to Evolve, the Will that causes all manifestations and concurrently causes all manifestations to continuously grow and change, always moving towards greater and greater levels of Light, with the ultimate goal of complete Unification … a return to Mother, also called Going Home.

“Understanding this, we can see how the early Church and its apostles got some parts of this right – the Holy Trinity – but they also got a lot wrong … and that was because the apostles were products of their time and society. Hence replacing the Mother with the Holy Spirit and the denigration of women and the feminine. Other religions – older ones – didn’t make that mistake. Only those with firm roots in patriarchy.

“Additional Information: It’s important to remember that you can only receive transmissions of Divine Will through your Soul. You can call (summon) it to you through your intent, but it comes through your Soul first. It’s Theos’ feeling that you can never remember your Soul, your relationship with Soul, enough, because that’s how important your relationship with Soul is. And, it’s through the will of other Souls you may transmit to, whether or not what you are intending, manifests in observable “results.” Make no mistake, you can never harm anyone or anything by transmitting Divine Will ~ only good comes from Divine Will ~ so just because your transmissions may not eventuate in this lifetime doesn’t mean it doesn’t help.

“Also, with respect to other Wills being involved in manifestation, the answer is yes, but … the lower 4 Wills ~ Harmonize, Act, Cause, and Express ~ are attributes of the Will to Evolve. They are not independently able to manifest anything, but these 4 cause manifestations to express in particular ways.

“Take the Will to Harmonize and its Quality of the Win/Win outcome. An outcome is a manifestation, but it is a particular kind of manifestation. So, in a certain, definite sense, the lower 4 Wills modify manifestations that are produced by the Will of Active Intelligence, i.e., the Will to Evolve.”