The Lord of Idealism and Devotion

Master Lady Mary Magdalene

Master Jesus Christ

Master Lady Oceana

Master Neptune


Key Concepts: Transcendent Idealism; Power of Abstraction; Intense Devotion; the Self-sacrificial Ardor; Unshakeable Faith; Undimmed Optimism; One-pointedness; Single-mindedness; Utter Loyalty and Adherence; Earnestness and Sincerity; Profound Humility; Receptivity to Spiritual Guidance; Unflagging Persistence; Power to Arouse, Inspire and Persuade; Ability to Achieve Ecstasy and Rapture; Purity; Goodness; Sainthood.

Unskillful Key Words: rigid idealism; unreasoning devotion; ill-considered loyalty; misplaced faith; excess; extremism; hyper-intensity; over doing; unvarying one-pointedness; ultra-narrow orientation; mania; fanaticism; militant; emotionalism; selfish and jealous love; dependency; over-leaning on others; unwise susceptibility to guidance; superstition; gullibility; lack of realism; self abasement; masochism; the martyr complex; unnatural suppression of the instinctual nature; idealistic impracticality.

Associated Glamours: The glamour of devotion; the glamour of adherence to forms and persons; the glamour of idealism; the glamour of loyalties, of creeds; the glamour of emotional reaction; the glamour of sentimentality; the glamour of interference; the glamour of the lower pairs of opposites; the glamour of World Saviors and Teachers; the glamour of the narrow vision; the glamour of fanaticism.

Associated Divine Will Quality: The Will to Aspire/The Will to Cause/The Will of Christ Consciousness

Antahkarana Statement: “The Highest Light Controls…….”


(Remember: this is the introductory information for Ray 6 and is not comprehensive or complete.)