The Three-Fold Thinker

Master Lady Pallas Athena

Master Hilarion


Key Concepts: Capacity to Think and Act Scientifically; Keen and Focused Intellect; the Power to Know; Power to Define; Power to Create Thought Forms; Facility for Mathematical Calculation; Highly Developed Powers of Analysis and Discrimination; Detached Objectivity; Accuracy and Precision in Thought and Communication; Acquisition of Knowledge; Mastery of Factual Detail; Power to Discover Through Investigation and Research; Power to Verify Through Experimentation; the Discrimination of Truth from Error; Mechanical Ability; Practical Inventiveness; Technical Expertise; Common Sense and the Rejection of Nonsense; Lucidity of Explanation; Intelligent Love.

Unskillful Key Words: excessive mentalism; over-analysis; ultra-rationalism; unrelieved linearization; “sense-bound;” excessive doubt; skepticism; irreverence; lack of intuitive sensitivity; excessive objectivity; rigid and set thought patterns; narrowness; prejudice; harsh criticism; lack of emotional responsiveness and magnetism; social awkwardness.

Associated Glamours: The glamour of materiality, or over-emphasis on form; the glamour of the intellect; the glamour of knowledge and of definition; the glamour of assurance, based on a narrow point of view; the glamour of the form which hides reality; the glamour of organization; the glamour of the outer, which hides the inner.

Associated Quality of Divine Will: The Will to Know/The Will to Act/The Will of Intelligent Love

Antahkarana Statement: “The 3 Minds Unite…….”


(Remember: this is the introductory information for Ray 5 and is not comprehensive or complete.)